I am very grateful to Swami Sarvadevanandaji for his support and assistance with this project. My name is Margy Olmstead, I live in Tucson Arizona with my husband Douglas Olmstead. We are both blessed to have been initiated by revered Swami Swahanandaji.
Many devotees graciously submitted their stories and they are available here under Devotee Stories. I hope to gather more devotee reflections on the place of Vedanta in their lives, and how they have been transformed by the touch of the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother, Swami Vivekananda, and the Vedantic scriptures. Additional reflections will be collected together, lightly edited as needed, and published on this website and hopefully in other ways such as an e-book or printed material
In that light, I humbly request you to take a little time to write down your reflections concerning your relationship with Vedanta philosophy, principles, and practices. You may use the following questions as a guide but don’t let them limit what you share. Kindly email your contributions to margyo@comcast.net as a Word doc, PDF or typed into the body of the email. You are also encouraged to submit a digital photograph of yourself.
What attracted you to Vedanta? A friend or spiritual guide, a media presentation (YouTube or other), a book or other publication?
Have you been initiated? If so, by whom?
When (year) and where (city, state, country) were you first introduced to Vedanta?
How long have you been associated with Vedanta?
What have you found most compelling and personally valuable in the teachings?
How has Vedanta changed your life?
What is your age? Where do you currently reside?
If you have any reservations about attaching your name to your reflections, we will keep your contribution strictly anonymous. We hope this project will inspire all of you, as well as future Vedanta students. I look forward to your responses and very much appreciate your consideration and time. Again, please email your contributions to margyo@comcast.net.