Nagaveni Acharya
Boulder, Colorado

My name is Nagaveni Acharya. One day in 1986, when I was studying at NMKRV College for Women in Bangalore, I heard a melodious bhajan coming from an auditorium. I went inside and sat. Revered Swami Purushotthamanandaji of the Ramakrishna Ashram was singing. He then gave a lecture on Swami Vivekananda. I was greatly attracted to Swamiji and his philosophy. I had first been introduced to Vedanta by reading a Swami Vivekananda comic in High School.
After the lecture Swami Purushottamanadaji said "come again". That was the warmest welcome I had ever received and I started attending lectures and reading Vedanta philosophy. I was later initiated by revered Swami Swahanandaji and have been associated with Vedanta for about thirty-five years.
Strength is life. Weakness is death. Positive thinking is life. Negative thinking is death. Vedanta has given me insight into life and happiness.