I was first introduced to Vedanta in 1982 at the center in Seattle, WA when few friends and I visited the Seattle Vedanta Center out of sheer curiosity.
I was initiated by Swami Bhaskaranandaji. He was then and presently presides as the head of the Seattle Vedanta Center.
Vedanta has taught me meaning to why we are born, who we are and aren't. And methods to strive towards liberation.
I find most interesting in the teachings, 'universal' truths that can be applied to those in all faith groups, a philosophy useful for this modern age, and a spiritual daily practice.
Learning about Vedanta is always ongoing. We can listen to many Zoom lectures given by Pravrajikas and Monks near and far the lectures are posted online on the center's websites, and we can see and hear the speaker and in some cases participate by asking questions and giving our pranams. In this way my Vedanta participation has increased.

Barb Smith
Poulsbo, Washington State